2025 Classes & Workshops


Head over to our registration page to sign up for these courses! 


The Sierra Nevada Field Campus offers both accredited classes and non-credit workshops.

This schedule is subject to change and we hope to keep all changes to a minimum.

Note: If you are having trouble at any point in the registration process, please do not hesitate to email us at snfc@sfsu.edu

2025 Classes and Workshops (By Class Title)

Alpine Oil Painting en Plein Air (Aug 10-15)

ART 470: The Mobile Studio: Creative Research in the Outdoors (July 27-Aug 1)

ASTR 216: Practical Observational Astronomy in the Sierra Nevada (July 20-25) 

Beginning Birding (June 22-27)

BIOL 315: Ecology and Conservation of California Bats (July 20-25) This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

BIOL 315: Insect Biology and Identification (July 6-11)

BIOL 315: Spring Fungi of the Sierra Nevada (June 1-6)  This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Birding by Ear in the Sierra (June 15-20)

Birds of the Sierra Nevada (June 13-18) This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Bird Song and Wildlife Sound Recording (June 7-13)

Butterflies and Moths of the Sierra Nevada (June 29-July 4) 

DES 312, ENVS 312, and LS 312: Climate Change Issues and Activism (July 13-18)

Field Geology of the Haskell Peak-Sierra Buttes Area (July 13-18)

Flora of the Northern Sierra Nevada (June 15-20)

Fly Fishing in the North Yuba Watershed (July 25-27)

GatorWILD (Aug 13-17)

Gathering Stones: Writing Poetry By The River (June 22-27)

GEOG 632: Environmental Measurement and Monitoring in the Northern Sierra (July 6-11)

High-Country Writing Retreat (Aug 24-29) This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Introduction to Urban Homesteading (June 20-22)

Medicinal and Edible Wild Plants (July 24-27)

Myxomycetes of the Sierra Nevada (June 8-11) 

Natural History of the Sierra Nevada (June 29-July 4)   This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Nature Sounds Society Annual Retreat (June 20-22)

Night Photography  (June 29-July 4)

Pastels and Natural Light (July 13-18)

Perfecting Your Presentation: Fly Fishing in the North Yuba Watershed (Aug 1-3)

Play of Light and Shadows: Oil Painting in the Sierra (July 27-Aug 1) This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Reptiles and Amphibians of the Sierra Nevada (July 27-Aug 1)  This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Rock, Wood, Water, Sky (Aug 10-15)

Secrets Among the Oaks of the North Yuba Watershed (Aug 24-29)  This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

SFSU Alumni Weekend (Aug 22-24)

Sketching History in the Northern Sierra (July 6-11)

SNFC Open House (June 28)

Songwriting in the High Sierra (June 22-27)

Trees & Shrubs of Northern Sierra Nevada (June 13-15)

Wander in Wonder: Nature Journaling for heartfelt connection to the natural world (July 13-18)

Watercolors in the Wild: Sierra Forests (June 29-July 4)  This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Wild Wonder Retreat (Private Event—Campus Closed) (Aug 3-8) Separate Registration Process

Woodblocks: Design, Carve and Print in the Field (Aug 8-10)

2025 Classes and Workshops (By Date)

Note: Most (not all!) 5 day classes begin with students arriving Sunday afternoon and leaving Friday midday. Most (not all!) weekend classes begin with students arriving Friday afternoon and leaving Sunday midday. Please confirm the dates listed next to each class title before registering. Feel free to email us at snfc@sfsu.edu to confirm dates or ask questions.

June 1-6

BIOL 315: Spring Fungi of the Sierra Nevada,  (June 1-6)   This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

June 7-13

Bird Song and Wildlife Sound Recording (June 7-13)

Myxomycetes of the Sierra Nevada (June 8-11) 

June 13-15

Birds of the Sierra Nevada (June 13-18) This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Trees & Shrubs of Northern Sierra Nevada (June 13-15)

June 15-20

Birding by Ear in the Sierra (June 15-20) 

Flora of the Northern Sierra Nevada (June 15-20)

June 20-22

Nature Sounds Society Annual Retreat (June 20-22) Separate Registration Process

Introduction to Urban Homesteading (June 20-22)

June 22-27

Beginning Birding (June 22-27)

Gathering Stones: Writing Poetry By The River (June 22-27)

Songwriting in the High Sierra (June 22-27)

June 27-29

SNFC Open House (June 28)

June 29-July 4

Butterflies and Moths of the Sierra Nevada (June 29-July 4) 

Natural History of the Sierra Nevada  (June 29-July 4)  This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Night Photography  (June 29-July 4)

Watercolors in the Wild: Sierra Forests (June 29-July 4)  This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

July 6-11

GEOG 632: Environmental Measurement and Monitoring in the Northern Sierra (July 6-11)

BIOL 315: Insect Biology and Identification (July 6-11)

Sketching History in the Northern Sierra (July 6-11) 

July 13-18

Wander in Wonder: Nature Journaling for heartfelt connection to the natural world (July 13-18)

Pastels and Natural Light (July 13-18)

DES 312, ENVS 312, and LS 312: Climate Change Issues and Activism (July 13-18)

Field Geology of the Haskell Peak-Sierra Buttes Area (July 13-18)

July 18-20

Private Event (July 18-20)

July 20-25

BIOL 315: Ecology and Conservation of California Bats (July 20-25) This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

ASTR 216: Practical Observational Astronomy in the Sierra Nevada (July 20-25)

Medicinal and Edible Wild Plants (July 24-27) 

July 25-27

Fly Fishing in the North Yuba Watershed (July 25-27) 

July 27-Aug 1

ART 470: The Mobile Studio: Creative Research in the Outdoors (July 27-Aug 1) 

Play of Light and Shadows: Oil Painting in the Sierra (July 27-Aug1) This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Reptiles and Amphibians of the Sierra Nevada (July 27-Aug1)  This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Aug 1-3

Perfecting Your Presentation: Fly Fishing in the North Yuba Watershed (Aug 1-3)

Aug 3-8

Wild Wonder Retreat (Private Event—Campus Closed) (Aug 3-8) Separate Registration Process

Aug 8-10

Woodblocks: Design, Carve and Print in the Field (Aug 8-10)

Aug 10-15

Alpine Oil Painting en Plein Air (Aug 10-15)

Rock, Wood, Water, Sky (Aug 10-15) 

GatorWILD (Aug 13-17)

Aug 22-24

SFSU Alumni Weekend (Aug 22-24)

Aug 24-29

High-Country Writing Retreat (Aug 24-29) This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.

Secrets Among the Oaks of the North Yuba Watershed (Aug 24-29)  This class is FULL. Please head to registration to add yourself to the waitlist.